Strenghtening the Social and Professional Growth In Latin America

Welcome to RRBA2004!

IEEE Argentina welcomes you to RRBA2004, the IEEE Region 9-LatinAmerica Regional Meeting, to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on Mardh 10 - 12, 2004.

RRBA2004 is sponsored by SECRETARIA DE COMUNICACIONES de la Nación (Argentina Communications Secretary), Telecom Argentina, Telefónica de Argentina and Transener.


In this page we inform on RRBA2004 and also on Buenos Aires and Argentina, to help you with a fruitful and happy stay in our country.


Along with RRBA2004 Buenos Aires will also host the IEEE PES-Power Engineering Society Regional Chapters Meeting (march 11 to 13) and the IEEE NNS-Neural Netwroks Society ExCom Meeting (March 13).

Many distinguished professionals will be in Buenos Aires to take part in these Meerings, so IEEE Argentina asked them to lecture a number of technical conferences and other activities for IEEE volunteers and members and non-IEEE interested people. These talks will start on March 9.

For information and registration, please see OTHER ACTIVITIES.

Latest News

For latest news, please see NOTICIAS ACTUALES.

For your reference:

This web page address:
IEEE Argentina web page (in spanish):